
Hello, it’s me [thank you Adele for THAT!]
I haven’t written here, well in 3 years. Life was ‘lifey’ [a new term I just heard and I love it!]. But life is ALWAYS ‘lifey’. I feel like the past 3 years have been testing us all in some way. So many shifts in our worlds, normal routines, the way we define ourselves, but I think above all, has made us look long and hard at what we want, who we are, and what we want in this life. At least that has been my experience. 
Life is always asking us these questions, putting people in our lives, jobs in our lives and discomfort and joy in our lives to wake us up. Wake us up to SEE. To see that everything we need, want, is all already here - it’s within us. I may think a job, relationship etc., will be the answers I seek. The security and safety I search for…but the reality is, I have all that already within me. 
The biggest takeaway, is that we’re never in control of anything. NEVER. 
Yes, we can take action, have goals, plans and go after what we want and that’s beautiful. What I also know, is that I have been truly humbled in the past decade of my 30’s. I learned so much about myself, what I want, what I deserve and also the best gift is seeing that I’m strong, courageous and brave. I have taken great, deep journeys to learn these findings and truly feel comfortable and cozy in who I am today. 
I wouldn’t trade any of the lessons I’ve received in my 30’s. I wouldn’t trade any of the jobs, health issues, surgeries, radiation, relationships, and ups and downs. I wouldn’t trade the tears, anger, fear [for anything] because it has delivered me to where I am today. Today I am fierce and confident. Today I no longer need validation from others to approve of me [most of the time, ha!]. Today I don’t need to people please for you to like me. Today I can be goofy, playful, and embrace the beauty of life and laughter no matter what.
Today I can now say I GET TO LIVE THIS LIFE. I GET to show up for my life. I GET to show up for others. I GET to experience life to its fullest. I GET TO LET GO OF THE REINS AND LET THE UNIVERSE GUIDE ME. 
When I let go, life is so much better. Some days I grab tight, but the universe always reminds me [sometimes gently, sometimes not so gently] to slow down. SLOW DOWN. There’s no race.
Remember you are worthy, you’re amazing and never stop going after what you want. The best is yet to come. As Ted Lasso would say BELIEVE!!



Micro Habits