These two words hit hard for me, but in a good way. Each offers an opportunity to reflect, be present and sit in the unknown. The unknown can be an interesting space. For me, at times, the unknown is scary, especially if I want something and unsure if that thing, situation etc., will materialize.
Silence gives the chance to sit and be still. To watch for signs from the universe, to meditate and breathe and ultimately have faith that all is working out in your favor. At times, that may be a hard pill to swallow. From my experience, I have a ‘go go go’ mentality and if I’m not doing, I feel uncomfortable. Keeping busy helps me feel like I’m moving forward.
But if we did get silent? What if we chose to pull away from the ‘go go go’ society we live in and slowed down. What would this feel and look like? It’s not always easy for me to step away from an old belief system and pause.
From my experience, slowing down and getting quiet is where peace comes. It opens the door to answers, new perspectives, clarity and a sense of relief. Relief that everything is already working itself out, whether we slow down or not. However, in the slowing down and silence, it’s the gentler way to live.
As for time, it may sound cliché, but time heals all things. Time gives us insight. The combination of silence and time allows for us to get clear on what we want and how we will go about achieving said dreams. It also gives the gift of surrender. To pause before voicing an opinion, to pause before taking an impulsive action, to pause and consider not only our role and feelings but also another’s feelings and journey.
Through silence and time, gifts are born. Through silence and time, we offer ourselves self-love. Through silence and time, we feel all the feelings with no judgement. Through silence and time, we can just be…...amazing just as we are in this present moment.