As we honor the beautiful Super Blue Moon tonight, all I’ve been feeling and seeing is the concept of shedding. It’s a layered subject [haha] but the question presented is, “What is holding you back?” and “Where in life can you let go?”.
These two questions are very powerful. I’ve been in a hybrid phase of feeling many feelings these
days with a side dose of analyzing. It’s fun! In all seriousness though, from my experience, it’s important for me to ask these questions. They may not be easy to answer, but the answers do come. The signs do come, with the caveat that I must be willing and awake enough to see the signs.
Shedding is an ongoing, life process. Today in this moment, I can see I’m shedding many things. One of the biggest is my old self. For me, this means the old ways I used to show up for myself, the way I used to show up for others and the way I showed up for my life. I can look back on my past version of Dana, without judgement on the actions and choices I made. I don’t regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it.
Now I can see the ‘why’ behind coping behaviors [I used when I was younger] which seemed to seep into my daily living. Coping behaviors that made me feel safe at one point in childhood, but no longer serve me anymore.
It’s weird, because there’s grief in that too. A weird dichotomy of joy and grief. Joy to know I’m shedding old patterns that truly dimmed my light. There’s so much joy in knowing I have light and I can feel happy with who I am and continue to be. The grief part is a little trickier. It stems from this idea that I identified so much with the past and this newfound hope, is well…. the unknown.
Recently I heard about “emotional icebergs” [a theme around this Super Blue Moon in Pisces] and to visualize these icebergs melting. I feel my old self is melting. All the things I thought were mine to hold and carry are melting. I don’t need to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders [and neither do you].
So, I envision for myself and for you, shedding, melting and letting go of what no longer serves us anymore. Life is too short to be stuck. Yes, there is growth, sadness, joy, grief, and happiness always in life. That IS life. So, I ask myself, where can I let go? Where can I shed what no longer serves my best self, and maybe you will ask yourself these questions too.
You are a light. Always.