

Happy New Year everyone! Isn't it funny how the beginning of a New Year makes us set resolutions? Well maybe it's not funny, but we all try our best to be our very best right around now and then somehow we fall off our guided train. But what about the idea of always trying to better ourselves?

Right now my brain is racking itself. Finances. Health. Job...bleh bleh. How will Dana change this year? Oy vey. The good thing is, I feel like I'm always trying to better myself. But to be honest, it's a daily practice and at times, a definite struggle. Why can't I just BE without analyzing life? Hmm.

When I look back at this year, in particular, I've been very humbled. I was constantly reminded Dana isn't in control. I was also reminded that I can't rely on circumstances, people and events to make me whole. I don't consciously seek these things to be that, but somehow when something or someone doesn't show up in the way I thought they would, I'm disappointed. Well, that goes back to expectations too.

Bottom line, all we have is now. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. We have no clue what life will dish us. All we can do is just be in the moment, in this very second, minute and day. Tomorrow may not come.

The one thing I can rely on is my Higher Power. Mother Earth. Energy. Spirit. I must put that first before anything else. If I give all my Faith to that, I'm okay. Then I trust all is okay. I no longer feel attached to anything. I'm non-attached. I'm secure and feel safe.

People, life, circumstances will always be unstable and disappoint. That is life. We all know this - so wouldn't it be SO much more freeing if we just let go and didn't put so much pressure on others to be our source of happiness? It's unfair for both parties.

So maybe for this day, we can all just let go. Believe in something greater than ourselves. Trust all will be okay. We all are okay.

I'm always open to hear your thoughts. Please send any my way.

Much love xo